Matt Monasch

Current Projects

Store World: ActionScript

In StoreWorld, a player takes control of a clothing shop. The player can buy clothes and place them on shelves to be sold. The game follows formulas in economics to determine how much of what item at what prices are sold. Players can also hire employees to help clean and maintain the shop. This function is purely asthetic right now.

The player also has the option of using a second application to try on the clothes at another store. This application will become much more interesting once players are allowed to create their own designs. The clothing viewer uses Augmented Reality from the ARToolkit, Papervision 3D, and motion detection inspired by Grant Skinners and Justin Windle. To use the clothing viewer, make sure to print out the target since you will use that to position the clothes on yourself.

StoreWorld is going through a major redesign phase currently to make the gameplay more fun and interteresting and to make better use of the facebook platform. In addition, the current team members are interviewing students on campus to hire to allow StoreWorld to become fully realized in less time.

Team: Matthew Monasch, Mike Keck, and Geoffrey Landskov.

Matthew P. Monasch's Portfolio
cloud779 (at) gmail (dot) com
Copyright © 2013 Matthew P. Monasch