Matt Monasch

Current Projects

Beat Hero: Unity/C# »

Rhythm game where following beats and adlib-ing segments determines how you fend of foes.

Cartographer: Unity/C# »

A spritual successor to Planeswalker/Lost In Ether. Cartographer takes inspiration from Dragon's Lair and Tales of the Arabian Nights (board game) to craft an experience more enrapturing and stimulating than its predecessor.

Previous Projects

Commander's Glory: C++ »

Turn-based Strategy RPG with a few interesting twists on the genre.

Lost in Ether/Planeswalker: ActionScript »

Traverse a multitude of planes in this Facebook game. Manage your home base, adventure out into the unknown and bring back incredible treasure to show off.

Card Mage: C# »

Top-down rpg adventure game where the player is given control of a mage with a new twist on magic.

Behavioral Algorithms: ActionScript/C# »

Applications demonstrating intelligent behaviors such as path following, flow fields and simple state machines. There are two demos: one in Flash(2D) and one in Unity(3D).

Dig Deep: ActionScript »

Educational Facebook game concerning Mineralogy made for the Hidden Agenda competition.

Crowd Dynamics: Netlogo »

If given an image of a golf course, a stadium or other area, can we figure out where the best point of entry for police would be in case of a hostile situation? This project aims to figure that out.

Baala Agni: C# »

Translated into English as Child of Fire, Baala Agni features a warlock destroying a small village as it tries to defend itself.

Store World: ActionScript »

Working with the college of business on campus to create a facebook game where the use runs their own clothing shop. In addition, the player can visit other shops and use an alternative program to try on the clothes using Augmented Reality software and motion detection.

Matthew P. Monasch's Portfolio
cloud779 (at) gmail (dot) com
Copyright © 2013 Matthew P. Monasch