Finished Projects
Commander's Glory
Commander's Glory is a strategy RPG inspired by games like Advance Wars and Fire Emblem. On the grid, each player is given a headquarters and buildings with which to gather units. By spending the resource Glory, players acquire more units to use to fight their way through enemy territory to take their headquarters for their own.
There are some new mechanics at work here. The player is supplied with Tactician Cards that can help them swings the odd in their favor. With powers like instantly building a barracks under their control, lowering the opponent's glory and promoting their units. The units themselves have a new option called Ambush which allows them to be hidden outside of Fog of War, waiting to strike an opponent that comes through their firing range with no repercussions. As a foil to this, some units can Bombard a selected area regardless of if they can see a unit in the area or not. We think that these mechanics add some interesting gameplay that compliments the already existing mechanics of the genre.
Team: Matthew Monasch, Jason Green, John Lynk.